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Faculty/staff parking disaster

We all know the feeling. It's five minutes before class and you're trying to squeeze your car into an impossibly tight space while an angry line of students honk at you to hurry up your delicate maneuver.

Yes, student parking can be a nightmare at Sac State, especially when you come out of class and find someone has completely scraped the side of your car while trying to park next to you. This example is taken from personal experience.

In the faculty/staff parking there are never instances of this. These are responsible and mature adults, highly skilled in the art of college parking. Right?

Wrong. This picture proves it.

This was not the case of the honking students and ridiculously tight space. I can understand parking a little crooked or crossing the line, but taking up two spaces? That is pushing it. Especially when the spaces are the width of a freeway lane. I wonder if this person got a call that the Hornet Bookstore was burning down. They were in quite a hurry.

I took this picture at 8 a.m. and then nosily checked back seven hours later. There was no ticket.

Don't we all wish we could risk the hefty fine and park in two parking slots for the day?